
DAS Systems and Public Safety

Nov 8, 2019

Public Safety DAS

When an emergency occurs, first responders need to have an effective method of communication. Poor reception in a building can cause delays during rescue operations, and this puts the life of the responders at risk.

As a result, the government has developed some codes that are used by firefighters during rescue operations. Property owners are required by law to install communication systems in their buildings. The system must be in line with the codes.

Take time to understand the type of system that is needed in your building before you evaluate its compliance with first responder codes. Bi-directional amplifiers (BDA) are common in many buildings. A BDA is a signal booster that is used to facilitate communication in a building.

Typically BDA is also know as distributed antenna system (DAS) which is the idea behind making the signal available in a building. And it comes to public safety, DAS systems cover radio network ranges in VHF/UHF and 800 MHz range.

The device allows first responders to communicate effectively, even in areas such as parking garages, underground tunnels, and elevators. The signal boosters are designed for wireless frequencies. Most jurisdictions in the United States requires building owners to ensure that their properties have signal boosters.


Fire Responder Codes

During 9/11, first responders had a hard time when trying to save lives inside the World Trade Center Towers as they lacked an effective communication system. As a result, relevant authorities issued statutes about the installation of in-build wireless coverage systems.

Some of the organizations that issued the statutes include the International Building Code, International Fire Code, and the First Responder Network. The first responder codes vary from one jurisdiction to another. Take time to understand the codes that are applicable in your jurisdiction.

Most cities have developed unique codes to ensure effective public safety communication. Smaller jurisdictions adhere to the codes set by the IFC and NFPA. Understanding the requirements set the two bodies is necessary for a building to pass inspection.

The equipment that supports the public safety communication system must have a backup battery that can last for 24 hours. According to the IFC and NFPA 72, the minimum signal strength in buildings is -95dBm to ensure adequate coverage in all sections.


Hiring DAS Systems Experts

There are many public safety solutions available in the market today and property owners may have a hard time when looking for a solution that meets all the requirements set by various organizations. Most property owners may have numerous technical questions about installing DAS systems in their properties.

For example, they may find it difficult to differentiate between channelized systems and broadband amplifiers or active and passive distribution systems. There are no public safety systems that are ideal for all situations. The best solution requires customization, the use of quality products, proper installation, and maintenance.

When you choose the right service provider, they will offer insights for the entire process of installing public safety systems in a building. For example, they will research the frequencies in your area, helping you understand the coverage testing protocols set in your jurisdiction, performing initial tests to determine whether you need a public safety DAS system, choosing the right system for your building, and a battery backup with enough capacity.


Do you have a question or need a quick quote? Contact the experts at RF DAS Systems now!